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Because the stock market is not my biggest concern (for now)

Este tipo de quedas é natural no mercado acionista e é algo que devemos esperar. Não é uma questão de SE mas QUANDO. Para já, o S&P 500 não entrou em valores considerados Bear Market (queda superior a 20%).

2020.2.1 Vítor Ribeiro, CFA

Plan, plan and plan!

At Future Proof we believe that any investment process must be based on a deep and holistic analysis of investors preferências preferences, responsibilities and goals.

2019.12.1 Vítor Ribeiro, CFA


Knowing your wealth is essential for good financial planning. Equity is understood as a set of assets, financial and non-financial, also taking into account financing.

2019.12.1 Vítor Ribeiro, CFA

Individual risk management

The importance of planning for the long term, especially when planning retirement and other lifelong events, is critical. We therefore have to create and establish alternative measures to prepare for a demanding and uncertain future, given that the sustainability of social security is not guaranteed.


A Holistic Approach to Wealth Management

We projected Future Proof as a service platform oriented towards the holistic advice and management of heritage.

We believe that there is an increasing need for more professionalism and competence and full alignment with the interests of investors.


+351 939873441 (Vítor Mário Ribeiro, CFA)

+351 938438594 (Luís Silva)

Future Proof is an Appointed Representative of Banco Invest, S.A.. It is registered at CMVM.
