What is your financial risk tolerance level?
Financial risk management and knowing how to identify and quantify individual and investment risks is a very important part of individual, family and organizational planning. It is, perhaps, the most important.
Individual Wealth: a behavioral approach
Do you know the value of your individual assets? Knowing the assets, human and financial capital, together with the situational and psychological profile of each investor, is fundamental for a successful financial plan.
Do all roads lead to inflation?
In recent weeks the Inflation theme has appeared on the radar of economic publications, analysts and various economic agents. This information needs to reach people, families and organizations so that they can make informed decisions adjusted to their situations.
What are the benefits of investing in the Financial Market?
You have certainly asked this question.
What is the financial market for? Why invest?
The goodness of the financial system is at its origins and its foundations.
Cryptocurrency standardisation process in progress - Currency or title?
Life goes well for Cryptocurrencies.
But human nature reveals that we make decisions based on fear, greed, panic and irrationality. And we don't know how long each of these feelings can last.
The emotional cost of Investing
What we call “emotional investment cost” is the emotion that comes from not knowing about the future, about risk. Risk is what the market rewards. If there was no risk, there would be no return associated with the investment in the capital market.
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+351 938438594 (Luís Silva)
Future Proof is an Appointed Representative of Banco Invest, S.A.. It is registered at CMVM.